podzimni prochazka / autumn walk pokracuje/continued

konec meditace
po meditaci * after meditating

jsem se premistila na velky kamen * i moved on a big rock

a sledovala jsem staly pohyb oceanu * where i watched constant ocean movement

na chvilku jsem si taky lehla * i rested for a while

a pripadala si jako zajicek v pelisku * and i felt like a little rabbit in its nest

mango sestoupil ze skaly sedl si kousicek vedle me * mango descended from the rock and he sat close by me

kde se zaujetim sledoval silu a krasu oceanu * and attentively watched the strength and beauty of the ocean

pokracovani priste * to be continued


isadora said...

je to nadhera, z tych fotiek sála pokoj..:)

Tinah said...

Wow that ocean is so beautiful!! Want to jump in now!

: )